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THINSTALL – Nouvelle Version 3.146

Date Communiqué de Presse : 30 août 2007

Thinstall : Transportez votre bureau sur une clef USB et profitez de vos applications grâce à la virtualisation applicative !!!

Thinstall est une solution de packaging applicatif, qui permet de transformer une suite applicative (qui nécessite normalement un processus d’installation physique et présente des pré-requis plus ou moins élevés) en un ou plusieurs exécutables (EXE) directement utilisables, sans procéder à une quelconque intégration sur le poste client.

Chaque logiciel ainsi traité par Thinstall peut être alors lancé à partir de tout support (clé USB, CD, email, unité locale ou réseau) dans un environnement totalement virtualisé, sans impacter la stabilité du poste hôte et sans altérer ses registres systèmes.

Les nouveautés de la version 3.146 :
– Add SandboxPath Package.ini setting
– Fix automatic configuration of Office using Office Customization Tool
– Added script function AddForcedVirtualLoadPath which indicates Thinstall should load all DLLs in a directory instead of Windows even if the DLLs exist outside of the Package
– Fixed tlink, vftool, and vregtool so they don’t pause when not run from a console
– Add Package.ini setting to override version resource strings
– Don’t show EULA for console processes running without visible console
– Fix creation of Exchange accounts in Outlook
– Added isolation options for Shared memory objects and synchronization objects
– Added ability to control sandbox path in Package.ini
– Added more documentation for Package.ini options
– Fixed issue where virtualized IE6 may lockup because of shared memory object with explorer.exe
– Fixed issue where comctl32.dll was not able to load AVI files from virtual filesystem
– Fixed issue where IE6 crashes on startup on Vista (still has a few other issues on Vista)
– Fixed problem where SearchPath fails for paths that absolute paths that start with “”
– Fixed issue where options set in [BuildOptions] are not overwritten by options set in individual [App.exe] sections
– Added RegConnectRegistry
– Fixed problem where SxS would load the incorrect version of system DLLs when policy redirects are in place
– Fixed issue where Outlook 2007 is unagle to change signatures or stationary/fonts
– Partial support for Debug API
– Fixed issue with Petrel.1 where DLL sections have both “uninitialized” and “initialized” flags set
– Fixed issue where single-use out-of-process COM servers were not being unregistered after use
– Fixed issue where apps with DEP enabled would be terminated by Vista when exceptions occur
– Added VirtualDrives support, this is automatically added to projects by SetupCapture

Contact :
SOLUPREST – Partenaire Thinstall
01 40 12 85 69