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Symposium International 2008-St Pétersbourg

Date Communiqué de Presse : 3 mars 2008

From birth to old age, a human being represents a constantly evolving structure.
Medical care and attention provided to a human being from conception to death is one of the primary tasks of public health. Osteopathic medicine can make its own contribution to the development of the human being from his or her conception to influence the biological age and processes of vitality.
The osteopathic concept is about freedom of tissue micro-mobility and its ability of self-regulation for shaping the structures. A correct, relevant and considered choice of a treatment and its methodology is only possible if the age of the patient, the state of the body tissues and that of its “fluidic structures” are all taken into account.
Despite the different views on the etio-pathogenesis of many problems affecting the human being, the allopathic and osteopathic branches of medicine can be associated on the basis of anatomy and physiology. In this connection, an osteopath must return to this approach each time his intrinsic capacities appear to be insufficient from his point of view.
We are convinced that the leading osteopaths of our country, as well as many foreign osteopaths of international renown, who united with us, will attract your interest to the issues raised. Our choice of the item «Age-specific Osteopathy» is not a fortuitous one.
We know to what extent different age groups differ one from another in their anatomical/physiological and psychological characteristics and their nosology. It is necessary to attempt to carry out the first steps aimed at bringing together our knowledge and our experience.
At this symposium, you will have the occasion to examine the following issues:

– Fundamental questions of osteopathic theory of fluidic structures, endogenous rhythms, biodynamic processes, of taking into consideration the psychological features from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.
– Interaction and complementing each other between osteopaths and various specialists in the aspect of age.

Leading specialists in paediatrics, therapeutics, geriatrics, as well as physicians of different specialties will speak about new research in the field of osteopathy based on scientific evidence, after more than 15 years of experience. They have acquired practical know-how in manual work on fluidic environments and support structures. They will be assisted by leading osteopaths from all over the world.
That is why it gives us great pleasure to invite you to Saint-Petersburg, the great city known for its palaces and poetic «white nights». You will have the opportunity to participate in the cultural program, including a boat cruise. Guests can expect a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere.
The special cultural program will be arranged for the partners of delegates while the conferences are in session. Additional information is available on request.


11th – 13th June 2008
Cruise on Ladoga’s lake (2 nights and 1 day) with barbecue on the Mandrogi island and a visit of the Russian Village and the Vodka Museum. Departure on the June 11 at 19.00
Returning to Saint Petersburg on the June 13th at 8:00 am for the Opening Reception.

13th June 2008
10:00 am: Opening Reception;
Plenary session with presentation of symposium;
2:00 pm: Afternoon divided in two parts:
– Adults
– Children
8h00 pm: Diner and Salsa Party

14th June 2008
From 9:00 am: 2 Workshops (registration is needed)
From 2:00 pm: 2 Workshops (registration is needed)
8:00 pm: Shipboard dinner

15th June 2008
From 9:00 am: 2 Workshops (registration is needed)
From 2:00 pm: 2 Workshops (registration is needed)

Contact information
Tel/fax.:01 48 09 33 66 tel: 01 48 09 71 03